Anchor Baby – Great Trick Chinese Pull Off!

How do you force the Hong Kong SAR government to do something? As a Chinese woman demostrated today at the Immigration Office – Behave like a rascal!

By rolling on the floor and refuse to get up or threaten the government for leaving your baby behind:

Anchor babies should not be given permanent residency. No one who come to live in Hong Kong can get that without staying in HK for over seven years. Why were these anchor babies automatically granted citizenship and permanent residency because they have yellow skin and black hair?

Anchor baby’s mother lied down on the floor because the Immigration refused to issue a HK birth certificate to her daughter

The government surrendered in five hours and issue her daughter a HK birth certificate! This means she can enjoy all the benefits Hong Kong citizens can enjoy because they or their parents pay tax!

Remember all the protests Hong Kongers participated over the past 16 years? Have we got anything we demand? Absolutely NOTHING!

Next time, when Hong Kongers protest, we should just lie down on the ground and refuse to move until what we demand is satisfied.

Oh! Wait! If Hong Kongers protest and refuse to cooperate with the police, they will issue a warrant and you can become a wanted person for 2 years. Or, the police will arrest and charge you for Violation of Public Order!

In a nutshell, Hong Kongers are the inferior race (or probably minority) in Hong Kong – if the Chinese (from China) want to do anything they simply do it, and will never face any consequences, but if you are unfortunate enough to be a Hong Konger? Sorry, tough luck!

Over and out

(Very angry, by the way. Who does the HKSAR government serve? Clearly not the people of Hong Kong!)

Anchor Babies – A Little Thoughts…

Hong Kong is well known for being crowded, the living standard of the grass wood locals is unimaginable. Many live in cages, and some live in sub-diving flats where, in some cases, a family of four will be sharing a room of 30 sq. ft.

Chinese from all over China rush to Hong Kong to give birth to their babies. The parents of these anchor babies (which means neither of their parents are Hong Kong residents) argued that they only want the best for their children (because the education in China is too bad, according to them). However, they conveniently forget that the approval process of new immigrants applications from China is handled by China, not Hong Kong.

Some of them stay in Hong Kong (via travel visa) and apply for benefits from the Hong Kong social welfare! Luckily, the Hong Kong SAR government has changed the law – why should the tax payer be subsiding the people who took advantage of the system in Hong Kong and have the rest of their families move to HK and continue to take advantages and resources of Hong Kong.

When people of  Hong Kong suggest that these parents should have taken their children back to China – if raising children is so difficult! They make the excuses for not being able to help their children to apply for ID card in China (because of the one child policy). Shouldn’t they have thought about it before having the second child?

Parents of anchor babies also complain that the quality of life and the number of school spaces is not good enough for them. If you’re expecting to have a house this big (see picture below), you really can’t live on social benefits – not many people can afford houses like this in Hong Kong!


For school spaces, have you heard about the local students who have to travel over an hour away from their home to go to school everyday? It’s all because of the anchor babies forcing the locals to move to another district for school. The facilities and education systems are designed for the people of Hong Kong and can only accommodate the expected population growth in HK…

They keep saying that they are under a lot of pressure living in Hong Kong, but why can’t they move back to their home town? If Hong Kong is such a difficult place for you to live and there’s a much easily and comfortable life waiting for you in China, why insist on staying in Hong Kong?

The problem is spreading to the US and many other Western countries too. I recently read that Canada is considering to change its law to stop anchor babies from getting citizenship.

Good luck, world. Look at Hong Kong’s situation, you’ll probably learn a thing or two before embracing China’s expansionism…